Monday, April 16, 2012

The Plan

The plan for this blog is to update it religiously--that means, only on Wednesdays, Sundays, and major occasions. Each post will have some kind of pertinent media attachment, like a photo, video, or link to a podcast. I will try to keep them to a few paragraphs in length, and even the appointed days where I don't have much to say, something will be added.

Carly started referring to the blog as "our blog." I had to correct her, it is MY blog. This isn't to say that I don't want her involved in the thing--the adventure is very much more hers than mine--but this will be a frame for my own experiences and how my particular psychology works out through the whole thing.

So, for those of you who feel like maybe I'm being mean, here's a reminder of why I'm involved in this project in the first place:

Yep, that chick right there.

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