Thursday, August 20, 2015

Rob Peter

This week, I think I did something that qualifies as an actual, real live financial success. I obtained a debt consolidation loan from some company on the internet.

I've not made a lot of wise financial decisions. Rather, I don't know if I've ever made a wise financial decision. They've either been OK decisions or stupid decisions. Buying the two houses in Akron when I was still a law student? Stupid. Getting married? OK. Getting married to someone with a job? Yeah, well, that made sense. I guess buying the 2004 Ford Focus was a pretty good idea, too.

But this was a new thing. It doesn't sound like a good idea. Getting a debt consolidation loan generally sounds like something you do to buy more cigarettes and/or hooch and/or lottery tickets. It has the stigma of payday loans, loan sharks, etc. Usury.

I got an offer in the mail and decided to look at it. Something about the logo, I guess. I researched the company and checked out competitors and figured out rates. Turned out that I could get a loan to pay off all of our credit cards for less than half of the interest rate of our lowest-rate card. Considering how we had been carrying a pretty big balance on one of our accounts due to costs with moving twice in a year, Carly being a stay-at-home mom for a little while, and costs associated with the money pits in Akron, the offer was tempting. Most importantly, the program looked totally legit and famous investor people were supporting this company in particular.

So there. I got a big, stupid, debt-consolidation loan. It'll save us a few thousand dollars over the next six months and help us save a little more for a down payment on a house sometime next year. Best of all, we'll pay it off in the next year and be mostly debt free. Well, except for:

  • Two houses in Akron;
  • All of our student loans;
  • Car loan;
  • Some money I probably owe my father;
  • We promised our firstborn to some guy dressed in rags a while back; and
  • Tyrannosaurs.
And now, this is one of the best songs written in the 21st century so far:

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