Monday, August 10, 2015

Resolution progress

I've managed to keep on my resolution train for the time being. In addition to the first four books, I've read:

  • The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
  • The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer
  • Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell
  • American Gods by Neil Gaiman
That means I'm caught up for August.

I've managed to keep my drinking down for a while now, too. In the beginning of June, I started a long, mopey post about drinking. "I come from a long line of alcoholics..." It's old hat. I think I've been telling that story for a while. But this spring, I just realized I'd been drinking a lot more than I was comfortable with. What was one or two beers two or three times a week became two or three beers a night. Every night. For most of a year.

Forget the drinking part, it was just expensive!

But yeah, I hate a routine, especially one that is hardwired into me, so I broke it. In June, I dialed back to my earlier quota and even took a full two weeks off with no drinking at all. July was a little heavier, with vacation thrown in there, but now I still take at least three or four nights off a week from drinking.

I also cut my coffee consumption down and I'm trying to keep the sweets at bay. But it's not easy, dropping all my vices. Legos. I just have to get Legos every now and then.

OK. Back to the grind.

EDIT: Oh, shit! I nearly forgot. I started running some. Not as much as I should, but more than I have. I try to run at least a few miles every weekend. In July, I ran an 8K in Rockville and in August, I ran a 5K in Georgetown. I plan to do at least one organized race a month, building up to a 10K at the end of the year. The goal is to do a half marathon next year, maybe a full marathon the year after that. You know, before I'm 40.

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