Monday, September 1, 2014

Return to Sender

OK, we'll try this again. Despite many illusions, parenting is quite a bit of work and it often drains out all of the energy and time I would otherwise spend bawling my eyes out on the internet. But alas, I have found need of the discipline of writing so I will try to dive into this blog again.

We'll start with updates and try to figure out if these will lead into any further posts.

First, the kid is now over a year old. I guess that tomorrow he'll be 14 months old. I've tried hard to avoid measuring his time in months, but people keep asking. I usually respond to questions about the Wolf's age by saying simply, "he turned one in July." When people follow up by asking if he's 14 months or whatever, I end up breaking down and acknowledging the math, but I do still hate that means of measurement. He's one. It's cool.

And it is really cool! Aside from the occasional awful night where teething pain keeps him up, screaming and us contemplating escape all night, this child is wonderful. He's happy, inquisitive, playful, cuddly, and growing. He's trying to figure out how to walk and talk and at the moment he's finding the best means of crawling somewhere and bringing the box with you at the same time. We just got back from the Maryland State Fair which was more fun than expected and we found that the kid has an insatiable appetite for pit beef and he loves owls. Frightening, evil owls.

Family is good. Since we last checked in, Carly has started her new job and loves it. She's basically the super version of the thing she did in Brooklyn. She's also a proper federal employee now, so there's that extra sense of security and benefits. She travels a lot for work, though, so for about three or four days every month or so, I'm a single dad. It's cool. Wolf and I just go and cruise the mall for chicks. We usually just end up with Legos.

My job continues to be an interesting romp through the weird and wild ends of immigration law, and I've been quite busy working on special projects and training the newbies. This last week, two of my new trainees were actually people who trained me in the past. One of them was one of my instructors as BASIC training in Dallas six years ago; the other was the person who trained me in on children's citizenship applications in NYC before she bugged out to Baltimore. I have some reservations about working with a former co-worker again. It took me a while to dig out of the backlog she left and other colleagues have indicated that her practices haven't improved. But we'll see how it goes. The government is the government is the government.

I've been playing a lot of different computer games over the last few months. In the first quarter of the year, I was treating Skyrim like it was my second job. Then I dove into playing the electronic version of Magic: the Gathering and more recently have picked up a couple of cheap games on Steam and also, Diablo III. My friends and I got burned out from playing D&D over the internet (first by a text-based collaborative workspace [Google Wave], then over voice chat [Ventrilo] using an ad hoc server program designed for rpgs on the internet, then using video chat via Google+) and have descended to the world of MMO style games. Or at least cooperative online multiplayer games. Therefore, Diablo III.

This fall will be eaten by a bunch of travel for work and for arguable pleasure. The pleasure travel is mostly for weddings. One is in Seattle, which is a new city for Carly and me, and we're going to leave the Wolf behind for that trip. That will be our first (well-deserved) trip away from the kid, so it will be an actual vacation, despite the wedding we plan to attend.

Be back in a few days. In the meantime, enjoy this:

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