Thursday, April 1, 2021

Got COVID. Nothing else to do but sit around and write

 Well. After a year of being safe and teaching my kids to wear masks and everything, I go out and get my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and find out that I actually HAVE COVID.

I got my first shot last week and the usual symptoms started up right away--light headache, body aches, fatigue, etc. Within two days, I had a sore throat that progressed to a severe sore throat. My doctor recommended I go get a COVID test just to be sure and BAM. Got COVID. So did the wife, but neither of the kids, strangely.

Fun part, this was supposed to be Spring Break. We were set to go see my kids' grandparents on Monday, but by then we were all confirmed to be in quarantine. The last time we planned such a visit was in November. En route to that meeting, a deer t-boned our Toyota Prius and totaled it. At least this time, we don't have to worry about picking glass out of our hair. (The deer died, btw. Six shots to the skull thanks to the local deputies).

So here we are. My symptoms have mostly abated. I'm just really tired and run out of energy every 4 hours or so. And I'm cranky--every little thing the kids do, I just want to throw them out the window. I haven't, not yet, anyway. It's just  the worst, longest, stay-at-home weekend ever.

Neighbors and friends have been supportive, though. People volunteering to go to the store for us, dropping off snacks and presents for the kids. It's nice. It would be nicer if we could all just be vaccinated and safe and hang out like normal, but oh well.

How did we get COVID,  you ask? Oh, fun story. So maybe it was because our kids are in school and one of them brought it home. Possible. But it could also be because we broke down about two weeks ago and went to a restaurant with the kids. We wore masks and did our best to distance, but we did dine indoors and there were some people around, so maybe that. Yeah, assholes, I know.

We were probably asymptomatic and the vaccine blew it up. We could have been walking around for weeks, contagious, and not known about it. We could have gone to visit the grandparents and gotten them sick. Maybe it's a good thing that we caught it after all. Ugh. Back to sleep with me. I'm not making sense.

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