Saturday, June 3, 2017

Willendorf Woman

Our Child No. 2 is now fully into the third trimester. She's healthy and huge. So's my wife. She resembles those voluptuous mother goddess statues they dig up all over Europe, trying to puzzle out whether they were representations of some prehistoric matriarchal society or just the first porn ever. She also snores like a lumber mill and has this body pillow that, when I reach over to pat her on the knee or hip to say good night or good morning, I think it's just the pillow.

Things are great on that front. Our little family couldn't be better. Child No. 1 is getting ready to go to a more formal school than he has been in starting this August. Carly's on working groups that solve massive problems in the federalist system, and I've got an interview for a promotion next week. Let's hope that flies.

In the meantime, I'll share this thing, which I don't think I've shared before:

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