Friday, January 24, 2014

Through the Gates of Horn and Ivory

That's it! Stick a fork in me--I'm done. With Facebook and Twitter. I've deactivated Twitter and I have pared Facebook down to an away message and my Instagram feed. This will post there, too, just so people who like to read it are aware there's an update. I recognize that Facebook is actually a necessity these days, but just like the phone, I don't have to like it or use it that often.

I quit playing World of Warcraft nearly four years ago because it was basically a job. I would get home from work or school, log in, do my dailies, chat with some people I don't really know, try in vain to get a raid together, maybe squeeze into some public instance group or battlefield, and then go to bed. And the next day I'd do it again. I'd grow anxious if I missed out on my tokens--got to get that Tier 35 gear before the next update! It was a chore. I hate chores.

Facebook has become an obligation and I can't stand it. I log in, my eyes numbly slide over people's posts, I make a witty remark here and there, Like a bunch of crap (especially inappropriate things, such as "I have the flu!" (Be the first to Like this!)), and maybe once in a while try to add something meaningful to what appears to be a meaningful discussion or debate on the issues of the day. Rinse and repeat.

Bearing no ill will toward anyone, I have to say that my experiences in Facebook and Twitter have been mostly hollow. The best discussions I've had are like spinning my wheels in icy slush. I either find myself irreverently interjecting in things I don't care or know enough about or I try to add something meaningful to a conversation that ends up revolving slowly down the drain of dislogic and self-aggrandizement.

In the end, my behavior on Facebook simply doesn't match what I want to do in my life. I prefer to be a person who acts on his beliefs, rather than sitting around bitching about them. When I ruminate, I like to think it is at least a debate with myself to resolve some kind of internal conflict. When I vent my over-inflated ego, I like to believe that I'm dropping sandbags and lightening the load. Less poetically, I try to resolve my issues through discourse, not wallow in them.

So, on that note... I'm going to stop bitching (for a little while).

Quick updates: Carly is waiting on her background check to go through, but is the best mom. She makes baby food, takes the kid to coffee shops, reads books to him, and does all of our laundry. The Wolf is getting fat and trying to talk. He likes to dance, and dancing responsibilities will soon pass to him. I am doing well at my job and starting to get around DC a bit. Still looking for that great beer bar, though.

Oh, and I have made a resolution for my birthday to quit drinking. And I'm failing at it badly. As usual. It has been a hard year, but I'm better than that, so I'll get there. If my parents can quit smoking, I can cut my drinking down to special occasions only. The last time I did that, I just started to find special occasions every Tuesday. And Wednesday...

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