Friday, July 19, 2013

A few anecdotes

ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED! About a week ago, while changing the Wolf's diaper in the NICU, the bandage on his foot--placed there after taking blood for testing--came off, and he started bleeding all over the place. When I put my cold, cold hands on his tiny body, Wolfie starts to kick around and do some kung fu moves with his arms and legs, so he got blood on his blankets, on his butt, on the inside of his isolette incubator thing, and all over my hands. I HAVE WASHED MY HANDS IN THE BLOOD OF AN INFANT!

Baby Houdini. The kid has an extraordinary ability to get out of things. He hates restrictions. When he was in the hospital, and they put him under these special lights to help his body process bilirubin (a kind of bile that builds up in your skin and causes jaundice), and the nurses would put these foam goggles on him, to protect his eyes. He would, within minutes, tear off the goggles, requiring constant replacement and adjustment. One of his only freak outs in the hospital was when Nurse Ratchet put the goggles on too tight, and he screamed bloody murder until I came in there and loosened them. Of course, he tore them off in a few seconds. In his bassinet, he is always getting out of his swaddle. No matter how tight I wrap him up, within an hour he's freed his arms and is laying, splayed out like a martyr, about 90 degrees turned from how I left him. I'm waiting for the day we find him two states away, having stolen our car. I expect that by November.

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