Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two out of three ain't bad

We're just over the line for the third trimester, and timing couldn't be worse.

I've been in the market for a new job for about the past year. About as soon as I got status where I could start applying for promotions in my agency, I brushed up my resume and submitted dozens of applications. Lots of them were rejected because I didn't fill out the stupid application properly on, or because my resume didn't quite hit the notes that were needed for the job. A few were bounced because of some random nonsense, such as:

Me: "I don't understand how I didn't meet the requirements for this job, as the listing says that you need to have experience creating policy and standard operating procedures, giving advice to upper management, and so on. The first paragraph of my resume says that I developed policy for three programs and worked closely with upper management on all of them."

HR: "Well, we didn't really know what you meant by 'developed.' That could mean anything."

Me: "Well, when you develop a piece of land, YOU PUT A GODDAMNED HOTEL ON IT AND GIVE PEOPLE JOBS. It's not really ambiguous."

But lately, I've gotten some interviews and was even offered a job in Cleveland on the strength of my resume alone. I couldn't take the Cleveland job because it wasn't really a promotion, and we can't justify moving halfway across the country for a lateral move. However, I've gotten some good feedback on other opportunities and there's a decent chance I could get a job at our regional office in Vermont or in good ol' Washington DC. Additionally, Carly's being headhunted by a couple of agencies, and things are all very exciting. But most of those opportunities would require that  we move somewhere else, and almost all of those opportunities are likely to pop in the next few months.

We're also having a baby in a few months. So... yeah. Not sure how this is going to go down.

What we are doing is finally cleaning out the second bedroom and organizing for when the baby does decide to make an appearance. Carly's having the "we're not ready" dreams, and we both have weird dreams about talking babies. We have scheduled birthing classes, daddy classes, hospital tours, a baby shower/tea party, and some other stuff. The hardest part is going to be trying to find a place for all my Legos.

Last thing: My old man turned 64 yesterday. In his honor, this:

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