Sunday, October 7, 2012

And now for these messages

This summer has been nuts.

To start it off, we had a dud pregnancy and all the emotional and physical fallout from that.

Then, right about when Carly's body has recovered enough to start trying for the genetic offspring again, she busts her knee on the beach in North Carolina.

The recovery period for her knee was complete about a month or two ago, and right around then, she comes down with West Nile Virus. WEST NILE! Of all things! Two emergency room visits and many, many nights of feverish sweating that did NOT involve sex later, I get sick with some kind of flu thing.

The flu did not deter Carly from enforcing her phone-app dictated sex regimen, and lo! And behold! Carly has the flu.

So we're at the present. A whole summer and most of a fall wasted. Yeah, there's been plenty of fooling around, but none of it particularly productive. So, not much to report on the baby-making front.

In other news, my whole New York world has been cloven in half, as most of my best friends from work have headed for the hills. Since April, all of my core work friends have gone away to some other office or another, and a few more are on their way out. This isn't too big a deal, really, except that it wears away my desire to go to work or be nice to people while I'm there. I'm missing that stress-release valve of bitching with my co-workers over this or that over a beer. In addition, I've just not had any good outlets for creativity or emotions (rage) in the last few months, so it's been hard to sleep or get over little problems. My temper is short, I've gained a bit of weight, and I don't sleep much. I'm an angry bear in winter.

I'll get back to the grind of posting and talking about stuff here, very soon. I miss the routine and my mind has gotten kind of cheese-like since I haven't forced it to think about stuff all that much. So there's that.


  1. wow, west nile virus? that's nuts.

    isn't blogging weird now. its like the whole world changed from when I first started blogging and it's all so disorienting.

    1. Yeah, Carly had this crazy high fever for nearly a week, but no other real symptoms. Everything came back negative on her two visits to the ER--she was just super-dehydrated. After a week, it went away. Then she got the flu.

      As for blogging, it is rather weird. I remember your LJ quite clearly. It was so personal, even though you spent so much time creating aliases for all the people in your life. You were the person in the confessional, a faceless stream of sins and fears and hopes and questions. It was a good read. I hope you saved all those. Even though we've never actually met, I know that I know you pretty well. We still have to hang out.

    2. I have been slowly migrating the old lj files to my newer blog's archives. Its pretty strange reading these confessionals from another life. Some are really embarrassingly angsty, but overall, I'm glad I documented my stumbling through life and love.

      Its crazy I've "known" you longer than most of my tangible friends, and I feel like the people I "met" through my old LJ know me better and almost on a deeper level than most. In a way, I wonder if meeting face-to-face would ruin that. Is that weird to think?

      Hope the wife gets to feeling better on all accounts soon.

    3. I do understand that. For a lot of people, having those internet type friends is a nice safety net--you can say and do whatever you like without much worry about judgment or "leakage." I'm not likely to talk to any of your other friends about you or your problems, and there's less social pressure in the relationship. It's an easy thing. We can present ourselves however we like. We get feedback on those very specific, rarefied points of life.

      I don't mind chewing up your little social morsels and telling you what I think. It's actually good psychology. However, you cannot get away so easily! We live too close for you to escape. Strictly speaking, my stalking skills are too good to go unused at this distance. We must meet.

  2. Do you like how it has taken me 3 months and a different profile to reply? Not to fear, I'm good at lurking so even though you don't see me, I'm always hovering and keeping up-to-date.

    I know, we need to meet. I should warn you I'm either one of two people: very outgoing or very introverted. Usually I'm introverted, which is probably why I gravitate towards blogging, but sometimes, if the stars align, I can be the life of the party (like once every seven years). The people who meet me as a party animal are often confounded to discover I'm not like that at all and vice versa. I'm only mentioning this because I've met a few online people in my day and it's like omg we had so much to say online but then in person I was like panicking on what to say.

    Are you guys moving out of the city? We actually might be there in March. That is the plan anyway. The full plan is that we need to shed our holiday pounds and then go to NYC to buy new clothes. As I type that it makes me sound like a dbag.
