Thursday, February 2, 2017

Brain dump 2017.1

It has been a busy month.

I turned 39 the day after the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States. There was a Women's March on Washington on my birthday. Hundreds of people sang "Happy Birthday" to me in the Judiciary Square metro station. It was a blast.

The Wolf is fully three and a half, and we have moved him into a big boy bed. It's one of the Ikea models with drawers underneath. He's having trouble adjusting, as anyone does when sleeping in a new place, or under new rules. He doesn't know when to go to bed. It's like we're on vacation. I come to check on him and half expect him to be on the floor, or in one of the drawers. He wouldn't fit in the drawers, but still wouldn't stop him from trying.

My gods, the child is definitely mine. He's got a strong will, independent streak, and is unwilling to compromise on most issues. Most of the time, he's not screaming about things that he wants to accomplish, but rather bargains or makes proclamations. Usually he just does his own thing and we have to follow along for the ride.

I'm acquiring power tools and thinking about crafty projects for the future. I'm mostly done with hanging the new mantel--it's a reclaimed chestnut barn beam that I got from this place in Timonium. It's just lovely. And I've learned how to lag bolts into brick (never did that before), use an angle grinder, and learn that I'm not very good at judging depth (no new news there).

The new President is making America doubt again. His wild pronouncements and nearly transparent, bigoted, kleptocracy-on-the-hoof policies are making it hard to get up in the morning. I'm worried that I'll go into work and they'll have me fitted for jackboots. It's a mess.

I am a dedicated public servant, however. I will hang on as long as I can because someone responsible needs to. I have to try to be the voice of reason in the room when it comes to one of those questions like, "should we just deny all the Iranian applications?" [I printed out copies of the 14th Amendment and 1964 Civil Rights Act in case anyone needs them]. Someone has to be there in 4  years when this silliness is over (or sooner).

On that note, I'll leave you with this: